LEGO Brickheadz Star Wars Chewbacca and MOC Star Trek TNG Captain Picard

Curriculum Vette

To thine ownself be true.

LEGO Brickheadz Star Wars Chewbacca and MOC Star Trek TNG Captain Picard
“Mr. Bacca, it’s so good to have you here on the Enterprise as my new Chief of Engineering.”
LEGO Brickheadz Star Wars Chewbacca and MOC Star Trek TNG Captain Picard
“I reviewed your service record and it was rather impressive. After 30 years on the USS Falcon I believe, I’m certain your unparalleled expertise with engines will keep us traveling at warp speed with NO problem.”
LEGO Brickheadz Star Wars Chewbacca and MOC Star Trek TNG Captain Picard

Under all that fur is a face… a face of fear! You can blame “bad motivators” for only so long before it becomes apparent to all that the problem the entire time was you. Chewbacca, you suck!