Lost in the frozen wilderness of Hoth, Luke encounters an old friend…
“Ben… Help me!”
“Luuuuuke! Luke, go to Dago… Go to Dago…”
“I… I was about to instruct you to go to Dagobah, but y’know what? It’s kind of nice here! Let’s stay.”
“Nice?! Ben, it’s a blizzard on an already frozen world. I’m dying here!”
“Oh come on, Luke. We spent the last 18 years on a desert planet with two friggin’ sun! I thought you’d enjoy a brisk day for once. But alas, I guess we’re just two different people.”
“So be it… Luuuuuke, go to Dagobah, find Yoda, learn the ways of the Jedi yada yada yada… Look, I’m going to find me a scoop and make some snow cones. Be well.”