Mighty Muggs Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers on Hoth

Wear Clean Drawers

Meanwhile on Hoth, the men of the 347th Tactical Division, a.k.a. “The Fighting Felines” find themselves in a bitter predicament…

Mighty Muggs Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers on Hoth
“It is absolutely freezing out here! Hey pal, can we borrow your gloves?”
Mighty Muggs Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers on Hoth
“No. My momma said to always remember your mittens. But since YOU didn’t, you’ll get no pie!”
Mighty Muggs Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers on Hoth
“What a jerk! And what does he mean no pie? And who the hell is his momma? Mon Mothma? Leia is the only other woman we’ve ever seen in this galaxy but she’d be way too young!”