The time has come for the Stormtroopers to set the record straight.
Fleeing space cruisers obliterared. Sand people and farmers eradicted. Rebel fighters annihiliated. If not for the Force, the Empire would have had a clean sweep against all who oppose them. Though I feel that many still aren’t convinced that Imperial Stormtroopers are nothing more than a cabal of interstellar buffoons incapable of achieving their goals.

The princess makes a good point. Despite the relative ease and swiftness in which the Empire crushed the Rebel installation on Hoth, Princess Leia, who had to be number one on the Empire’s list of most wanted, still managed to escape!

The Stormtroopers makes some valid points. If not for Darth Vader’s deliberate actions on the Death Star, and again personally impeding the path of his own troops here on Hoth, Princess Leia and crew would never have gotten away. It’s fair to say that in every situation, every Rebel victory has been all Vader’s fault!

N… nothing, my lord!