All the plastic people… What do they all come for?

PLANET! of the Plastic People is a showcase of the daily lives and inner thoughts of LEGO Brickheadz, Hasbro Mighty Muggs, and more.
PLANET! of the Plastic People comes from the minds of the madmen who revel in rampant and wanton unabashed nerdery that is and forever will be LIVE! from Planet Zero.

Because one site couldn’t contain them, so they demanded their own world on which to rule!
There’s nothing Braniff enjoys more than weaving a humorous yarn, and whether your heart pumps plasma or plasticine, everyone has a story to tell.

Chip is a LEGO Maniac, and won’t be satisfied until the entire world suffers from the same addiction. He got Braniff addicted, and if you’re not careful, he’ll get you too!
PLANET! of the Plastic People is merely a fan site meant for fun. We are not compensated in any way for any portion of this site, and the the best of our knowledge, all content, images, videos, sounds, photos, etc., if any, are being used in compliance with Fair Use Copyright Law 107.